RequestString v1.1 Adam Dawes 22nd June 1995 What is RequestString? ====================== RequestString is a little utility designed to complement the Commodore utilities, 'RequestChoice' and 'RequestFile', primarily of use in AmigaDos shell scripts. The program simply displays a requester containing text of your choice, and asks the user to enter a string. The string will then be printed to stdout (so it's very convenient to redirect the output of RequestString to an environment variable). Using RequestString =================== The parameters for RequestString are as follows: RequestString <body> [default=] [pubscreen=] [INVISIBLE] Title: The name that will be given to the window that opens containing the string requester. (Required) Body: The text contained within the string requester. (Required) Default: If specified, this text is automatically entered within the text gadget when the window opens. PubScreen: Allows you to specify a public screen for the requester to open upon. Invisible: If this switch is present, the text displayed within the test gadgets is not shown. This is very useful when asking a user to enter a password, etc. Be careful when using both 'Invibisle' and 'Default=' at the same time, as it can be very confusing if you don't know what's already been entered in to the gadget! Requirements ============ RequestString requires Kickstart 2 or greater, and also the ReqTools library by Nico François. Legal stuff =========== RequestString is freeware. It may be distributed however and wherever you like. I accept no responsibility for any damage done to your system, directly or indirectly, as a result of using RequestString. You use the program entirely at your own risk. History ======= v1.0 (39.0) Initial release. v1.1 (39.1) Added 'Default=' keyword. Added 'Invisible' switch. Added 'PubScreen=' keyword. Reduced executable size by 3k. Contacting the author ===================== Please do write to me if you like RequestString or if you have any problems with it or suggestions for a new version. I can't promise to reply quickly if you write via snail-mail, but I will always reply to email messages. I can be contacted at: InterNet FidoNet Adam Dawes@2:441/93.5 SnailMail Adam Dawes 47 Friar Road Brighton BN1 6NH England