RequestString v1.1
Adam Dawes
22nd June 1995
What is RequestString?
RequestString is a little utility designed to complement the Commodore
utilities, 'RequestChoice' and 'RequestFile', primarily of use in AmigaDos
shell scripts.
The program simply displays a requester containing text of your choice, and
asks the user to enter a string. The string will then be printed to stdout
(so it's very convenient to redirect the output of RequestString to an
environment variable).
Using RequestString
The parameters for RequestString are as follows:
[default=] [pubscreen=] [INVISIBLE]
Title: The name that will be given to the window that opens
containing the string requester. (Required)
Body: The text contained within the string requester. (Required)
Default: If specified, this text is automatically entered within
the text gadget when the window opens.
PubScreen: Allows you to specify a public screen for the requester to
open upon.
Invisible: If this switch is present, the text displayed within the
test gadgets is not shown. This is very useful when asking
a user to enter a password, etc. Be careful when using both
'Invibisle' and 'Default=' at the same time, as it can be
very confusing if you don't know what's already been
entered in to the gadget!
RequestString requires Kickstart 2 or greater, and also the ReqTools
library by Nico François.
Legal stuff
RequestString is freeware. It may be distributed however and wherever you
I accept no responsibility for any damage done to your system, directly or
indirectly, as a result of using RequestString. You use the program
entirely at your own risk.
v1.0 (39.0)
Initial release.
v1.1 (39.1)
Added 'Default=' keyword.
Added 'Invisible' switch.
Added 'PubScreen=' keyword.
Reduced executable size by 3k.
Contacting the author
Please do write to me if you like RequestString or if you have any problems
with it or suggestions for a new version. I can't promise to reply quickly
if you write via snail-mail, but I will always reply to email messages. I
can be contacted at:
Adam Dawes@2:441/93.5
Adam Dawes
47 Friar Road